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Friday, October 28, 2005

Remember how great "You and Me Song" was back in '97? This song brings me back to those precocious preteen years. I'll forever associate The Wannadies with those aimless few years that made my life unpresumptuous, guiltless, and fun. "You and me forever and always ba bapa-bapa." God, I love this song.

The Wannadies- You and Me Song

Benjamin Diamond's sophomore effort Out of Myself is just so infectious and sweet, that in contrast, makes all other pop music sound bitter and inherently lame. These songs are enchanting and delightful, aptly gracing you off your feet.

Benjamin Diamond- I Wish



Blogger PoisonNinjas said...

johnny, what's up with all this wussiness of late.... it's a bit unsettling..

anyways, did you catch that vashti bunyan review on pfm today? featured selection.. i was pimping that shit months back. heh.

10:39 PM  
Blogger PoisonNinjas said...

1)I like this wussy stuff.
2)From now on, I will only post the weird shit that you listen to.
3)We both know Pitchfork is junk.
4)Animal Collective feat. Vashti Bunyan- Remember Learning How to Dive http://s32.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2GAWDJ01S7UGO0NOGT6KKKEYKR

11:00 PM  
Blogger PoisonNinjas said...

btw, nice call on vashti.

11:01 PM  
Blogger PoisonNinjas said...

though, pfm > stylus.
stylus has become such a reactionary bullshit site of late. controversy for the sake of controversy... i can't trust their reviews.

10:27 AM  
Blogger PoisonNinjas said...

that vashti bunyan + animal collective ep is excellent.

12:14 AM  

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